
LA HABRA : Schoolteachers’ Breakfast Is Sept. 1

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La Habra City School District teachers will gather for breakfast Sept. 1 at Imperial Middle School as they prepare for the coming school year.

Breakfast will be served to the district’s 220 teachers, including 27 new educators who were hired this summer to teach elementary and middle school children.

Teachers expect more students to be enrolled in their classes this year and said they could use a motivational activity such as the breakfast, which promises an inspirational speaker, to become enthusiastic about their job.


“The students just come out of the woodwork,” said Linda Malloy, a second-grade teacher at Las Lomas Elementary School and president of the La Habra Education Assn. “On the first day of school, there are long lines of kids signing up.”

The breakfast also is a time for teachers to get to know one another, she said: “It’s a wonderful time for the old teachers to let the new teachers know that they are not alone and we’re going to help.”
