
Fans Are Angry Like the Wolf

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In regard to Mike Boehm’s review of Duran Duran (“Duran Duran: No Mas, No Mas, “ Aug. 20):

It seems as if every single music review that your paper prints is bad. If a concert comes up and you don’t like the group that’s playing, don’t go. Find somebody else who can enjoy it.

The groups that are getting the bad reviews are extremely talented and don’t deserve to be badgered because of your lack of interest. In my eyes, that arena was packed with people who thought Duran Duran was worth paying money for and worth screaming and cheering for.


Villa Park

The review was so devoid of the truth I have to wonder if Mr. Boehm was really even at the concert. Instead of rebutting each one of his absurd criticisms, let me say that the show was musically splendid, artistically brilliant, and a thrill to experience. The song selection was flawless, as was the performance of them. The new take on “Hungry Like the Wolf” was just short of genius. The only lowlight of the show was that it didn’t last longer.


Boehm’s references to bassist John Taylor and keyboardist Nick Rhodes as “ciphers” make no sense at all. Quite obviously their playing is an integral part of every song. As for his complaints about singer Simon Le Bon’s movements, Boehm should understand that Le Bon has always had his own unique style of dancing on stage. His dance comes from how the music makes him feel, not from a ballet class.

Considering the numerous comparisons to athletes in his review, it seems to me that maybe Mr. Boehm should be writing for the sports page. As for his music reviews, please, no mas.


Huntington Beach

I was angered that the L.A. Times would send a close-minded blockhead to the Irvine Meadows.




The band must have played two completely different shows--the thoroughly entertaining one that I attended, and the one that Boehm reviewed. No one who was present at the show I saw possibly could have described Duran Duran’s performance as “lifeless” and “dull.” Boehm seems to find fault with every aspect of the concert, from the stage set to the backup singer’s wardrobe. Such a systematic trashing makes me wonder if he has some sort of personal vendetta against Duran Duran--did they murder his entire family, perhaps?

Whatever the case, Boehm’s negative comments were completely unfounded. The stage set, designed by Stephanos Lazaridis of the English National Opera, was an innovative, post-apocalyptic scene--not a “tenement’s back alley,” as Boehm suggested. Furthermore, Simon Le Bon’s voice wasn’t “meager,” nor was his dancing “gawky.” Far from being “ill-suited” as a front man, Le Bon has energy and charisma to spare. The enthusiastic screams of the crowd at his every gyration made this perfectly clear (to everyone except Mike Boehm, apparently).

Boehm completely missed the point of the staging of the song “UMF.” Le Bon’s headpiece attached to suspended cables was reminiscent of Malcolm McDowell in “A Clockwork Orange”-- not “foolish” and “pointless.”


It is totally ridiculous that Boehm called Duran Duran “gutless” for not performing “Drowning Man,” a song Boehm seems to think is a diatribe against a United States in decline. The song actually is about a corrupt politician, hardly a controversial theme. I might point out that the song “Too Much Information” begins with the line “Destroy my MTV/ I hate to bite the hand that feeds me,” a lyric that could be a lot more hazardous to the band’s career as a video vanguard.

Boehm notes that opening act Terence Trent D’Arby was reviewed recently when he headlined at the Coach House. As I recall, in that review Boehm mentioned that D’Arby would open this summer for Duran Duran, whom he referred to as “mediocrities.” It seems that he went to Duran Duran’s show with a less than open mind. So much for journalistic objectivity. Duran Duran will be around for many years to come, whether Mike Boehm likes it or not. If he finds attending their concerts to be such an ordeal, then he should let a critic with a more balanced viewpoint review their show next time.


Garden Grove

The so-called review by Mr. Boehm is yet another example of a person who has absolutely no idea what creativity and talent are.

The set that he described as “ill-conceived” was, in my opinion, very artfully done. Also, if the concert was as bad as he implies, then tell me why the amphitheater was shaking with all the people from the pit to the very last row dancing and singing along. Mr. Boehm should have paid attention to the interaction between the band and the audience. This, as anyone knows, is the test of a truly great band. Instead, he chose to remain fixated on his negative feelings. Both the band and the audience were having a good time, so it is inconceivable why anyone would try to diminish the happiness that was in evidence at the concert.

I think The Times should have reviewers who are more objective in their criticism. Poison pen articles have no place in a supposedly unbiased newspaper. Perhaps Mr. Boehm is himself “unequal to the calling” as a music reviewer. If you are ever in the mood to hire someone objective, I am available.


