
In Defense of Pierce Golf Center

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* The Pierce College Golf Education Center Project is in the early stages of planning and review. It will be undertaken only if it conforms to criteria established in the college’s Educational Master Plan.

Our first criterion for such projects is that they contribute to our educational program. The golf center would be completely integrated into the physical education program. Students in golf courses would benefit from such a facility constructed next to our gymnasiums.

The next criterion is that the project be consistent with the general open space concept of the campus and be an educational, recreational and/or cultural asset. The project would have to be designed so that it will enhance, not detract from, the learning environment. It would combine educational and recreational benefits for the community.


Finally, such a joint venture must provide fiscal resources for our financially starved programs. Woodland Hills Homeowners Assn. President Bob Gross is quoted as saying that we had “better start looking at education, not ways to make a little money here and there.”

Does he realize that the college budget was cut by $3 million this year, which amounts to a total reduction of nearly $6 million over the last four years? Does he have any idea that the state of California is in the midst of a financial crisis that means community colleges are unlikely to receive adequate funding in the foreseeable future? Does he know, or even care, that we cut 130 classes from our fall semester offerings and without the Warner Ridge funds, would have been forced to cut 500 more classes, depriving thousands of students of the educational services they need?

Many of the area residents have demonstrated their support for the joint agricultural enterprise at the corner of Victory Boulevard and De Soto Avenue. Now Mr. Gross is castigating us for considering a joint physical education enterprise at Victory Boulevard and Winnetka Avenue.


The conversion of 10 to 15 acres of playing fields into a golf education center could help us to maintain our education programs and facilities, including over 200 devoted to agricultural education and a laboratory farm.


Woodland Hills

Erickson is president of Los Angeles Pierce College.
