
Prep Voices : A periodic forum examining controversial issues in Orange County prep sports : TODAY: THE BLOOD RULE : VOICES FROM CAMPUS

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Are you worried about contracting a disease (such as HIV or Hepatitis B) through blood being spilled in an athletic contest?

“I’m not that worried about contracting any AIDS or HIV viruses because the odds of blood actually spilling in an athletic competition are very rare. It usually falls to the floor and after it falls, the person usually runs to the sidelines and gets treatment anyway. The odds of someone actually having close contact with someone is very rare. But if it does become a problem, we should have to wear knee pads, elbow pads and nose guards to prevent blood from spilling.”

--Jon Nakano, freshman, Irvine

“I had to come out of a game earlier this year because of the rule. But no, I don’t worry about things like that. When you’re out there, you’re just thinking about football.”


--Matt Rechner, senior, Trabuco Hills

“Not really. It’s not very likely for you to get it, so I’m not worried.”

--Francisco Alegria, senior, Buena Park

“No. It’s just never really bothered me. There are cuts all the time. If I’m playing alongside a guy, I’ve never been worried about my cut rubbing with his cut.”

--Jerett Rumph, junior, Santa Margarita

“Not really. The chances are narrow. It’s not like it can happen. It’s like, one in a million.”

--Andrew Medley, freshman, Fountain Valley

“Personally, I don’t like the Blood Rule. I think it’s a dumb rule. In football, it would be tough to transmit a disease, but I can see it happening in a sport like wrestling. I don’t see it as a problem in football, even though I know there’s a lot of contact.”


--John Higashi, senior, Mission Viejo

“I don’t think it’s a bad rule, but I don’t think it’s a good rule, either. I just don’t see it being a big deal. I guess if I knew somebody had (a transmittable disease), I would think more about it. So from that respect, I guess it is a good rule, but I just haven’t thought about it.”

--Brad Weekes, senior, Mission Viejo

“It never crosses my mind. Sometimes when I get cut, I never even feel it. I just keep on playing anyway. A cut to me is not a big deal.”

--Carlos Sianez, senior, Los Amigos

“I don’t really think about it. I figure the referees are good enough to take care of it when there’s a problem.”


--Matt Sepulona, junior, Los Amigos

Responses have been accumulated from calls to TimesLink and interviews by staff writers.
