
LOS ANGELES : Ethics Panel Will Seek More Data on Rothman

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Citing a potentially recurring conflict of interest, the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission agreed Thursday to seek more information on the business interests of one of Mayor Richard Riordan’s nominees to the city Convention Center commission.

The nominee, Claire L. Rothman, receives a salary from Ogden Entertainment Corp., a firm with a food concession contract at the convention center, ethics commissioners said. Rothman, who manages the Forum in Inglewood, also holds an investment interest in Ogden, records show.

The Ethics Commission reviews mayoral nominees for potential conflicts, and panel members said that Rothman’s case poses a seemingly direct conflict. Rothman, who was not available for comment, could disqualify herself from dealing with food concession issues at the convention center. But the Ethics Commission can require political appointees to dispose of financial interests that cause conflicts.


The panel agreed to ask Rothman and representatives of the mayor and Convention Center to testify next week on the matter. Greg Dawley, the mayor’s policy analyst, said Riordan’s office is reviewing the concerns but believes Rothman’s professional experience is particularly valuable to the operation of the convention facility.
