
PERSPECTIVES / LETTERS : Coverage of All Issues by Media Is Defended

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This is in response to Chris Norby’s recent letter (Oct. 2) claiming The Times’ coverage of religious matters is biased, and asking you to discontinue such journalism unless there’s something positive to report.

To Norby, I say, wake up! We need the media to shine a giant spotlight on issues that are newsworthy, inspire debate and help us recognize behavior that is not acceptable. To suggest there are no money-laundering televangelists, pedophile priests, polygamist Mormons, weapons-hoarding Christian sects, bomb-producing Islamic fanatics, Conservative Orthodox Jews and others with archaic and sexist rules, and the like (who did I leave out?) is naive and unproductive.

This is a nutty world, and too often the most egregious behavior comes from those who feel they maintain a higher spiritual plane than the rest of us. If your religious beliefs are as strong as the rock upon which Peter built his church, it will provide you a solid foundation for living in our complicated times, instead of something under which to hide.



Los Angeles
