
Van Nuys : Police Give Tips on Surveillance Photos

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To catch more robbery suspects and fewer fuzzy images, Van Nuys robbery detectives are urging merchants to take certain steps with their surveillance cameras.

In a meeting of the Sepulveda Boulevard Business Watch this week, Detective Mel Arnold of the Van Nuys station told about 60 merchants that low-quality tapes and poorly positioned video cameras are the main culprits when it comes to being unable to identify suspects.

“We’ve had jewelry stores where there was $100,000 to $150,000 worth of jewelry stolen where we knew who the suspects were but were unable to (get a positive identification) because of the bad quality of videos,” Arnold said Friday.


Arnold urged that cameras be loaded with a high-quality tape and placed in a location that will record the activity of would-be criminals. Arnold said merchants should also run tape at regular speed, not time-lapse, that the area being filmed should be well-lighted.

In fact, Arnold said, the Fox television show, “L.A.’s Most Wanted,” airing Tuesday will feature a good example of what surveillance tape should look like.

The tape comes from the robbery of a Van Nuys liquor store in the 14000 block of Victory Boulevard on Sept. 12. The video helped identify the suspects and now police hope airing the tape will provide a tip on their whereabouts.
