
Gays and Scouting

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* I am concerned about the Boy Scouts and the boys in blue, specifically the Laguna Beach Police Explorers’ Post.

The Boy Scouts of America is truly a unique organization. It provides a range of opportunities, skills and experiences for boys and adults not available anywhere else. Its diversity is its strength. Scouting offers sailing, rocketry, canoeing, snorkeling and an amazing variety of other activities.

I was proud to be involved in Scouting. I was proud over 35 years ago when I finally made First Class. I was proud a year and a half ago when my older son took the initiative to join a local troop. I was proud a year ago to put on the uniform of an assistant Scoutmaster for that same troop, and just six months later, to welcome my younger son into the troop from his Cub Scout pack.


However, I am not proud of the Boy Scouts of America. I cannot take pride in an organization that chooses to exclude people, youth or adult, based on their lifestyle (“Gay Ban Stands or No Explorers, Laguna Warned,” Sept. 29).

I cannot take pride in an organization that would seem ready and willing to dismantle the Laguna Beach Police Explorers’ Post because it refuses to discriminate against homosexuals. Nor can I take pride in an organization that codifies, condones and endorses homophobia.



* I would not want to risk placing a young boy or a teen-ager in a Scout troop with a homosexual leader. Thank you, Boy Scouts of America, for not giving in to a howling minority on this issue.



Costa Mesa
