
Whittier Man Fatally Shot by Party Crasher

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A veteran Los Angeles County employee was fatally shot by an alleged gang member at his Whittier home late Saturday after he tried to eject crashers from a party, a sheriff’s spokeswoman and family members said Sunday.

Jack Woods, 37, an inventory management specialist, died early Sunday, about four hours after the shooting, said sheriff’s spokeswoman Benita Hinojos.

Woods’ daughter, Tylisha, 15, said he had been giving a party for a stepdaughter when he noticed a group of young people who had not been invited. She said that when Woods asked them to leave, they started to try to beat him up. As her father defended himself with his fists, one youth pulled out a handgun and shot him in the head, she said.


Hinojos said some youths were seen leaving the house in a silver van, possibly a Dodge. Sheriff’s homicide investigators asked for the public’s help in supplying information that will help them find the assailants.
