
Technology Trade

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According to a Sept. 25 article, the U.S. and Japan are going to make a trade--U.S. “technology to develop an anti-ballistic missile system” in exchange for Japan’s “technology that could be used to produce commercial products.” It is just a guess that the anti-ballistic missile technology described is the Patriot missile that is engineered, manufactured and sold by an American corporation. As for “technology that could be used to produce commercial products,” I am just trying to imagine what technology it is that the U.S. wants from Japan, what commercial venture will profit by its acquisition and how many quality jobs it will create?

So let’s see if I have this right; we are going to give U.S.-developed technology to Japan so that they can produce it themselves in exchange for a proverbial “player to be named later.”

It might be wise for Mr. Clinton to tell Mr. Hosokawa that, if Japan would like to purchase Patriot missiles, an American corporation would be happy to bid on the effort. I am sure that U.S. scientists and engineers can come up with any technology needed.



Simi Valley
