
King Settlement

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The Times came to the heart of the matter in its Sept. 24 editorial, “Name the Last Thing L.A. Needs.” The paper is correct when it points out that our community doesn’t need “another high-profile, racially charged trial related to the police beating of Rodney King.”

I firmly believe that we must reach a settlement with Rodney King and his lawyers. The city’s offer is simply too low. If we go to trial to pursue this matter further, we are continuing another long saga in this sorry chapter in our city’s history.

It’s time for Rodney King to get on with the rest of his life and it’s time for all of us to move on to the future of our city, improving relations among members of our diverse community and thinking positively for a change.


I think a settlement of the King lawsuit will ultimately be the cheapest expense the city will pay to end our long nightmare. We cannot afford another trial on this subject. Our citizens have paid millions already for trials, riot preparedness, riot cleanup, and we’ll be working a long time on rebuilding the battered portions of our city.


Los Angeles City Council
