
Michael Milken

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* Re “Class, Please Welcome Mr. Milken,” Oct. 8: I am appalled at the thought of Michael Milken teaching a class in finance at UCLA. Are the universities so devoid of teaching staff that this man is teaching our young men and women? The students seem to be more impressed with the money he made rather than the way in which he made it! How does a convicted felon get to teach? Will they next hire Ivan Boesky?


Los Angeles

* A year ago I left my tenured faculty position in the UCLA Electrical Engineering Department. When people ask me why I left what others would consider a “plum” job, I usually respond simply by saying that some people are cut out for academia, and some aren’t. After seeing that Milken will be teaching a course at UCLA, and noting that a former UCLA EE department professor was recently prosecuted for corruption, I’m beginning to see just what sort of person is “cut out for academia,” at least at UCLA.

In most of the places I have worked, a convicted felon wouldn’t even be let into the building. At UCLA, apparently they are welcomed with open arms.



Long Beach

* It is an outrage that the administration of UCLA would invite a known felon to instruct their students on the very topics he was convicted of. What will the school do next? Will they invite convicted drug traffickers to do a class on product warehousing and transportation? Does the school wish to be known as the educational institution that trained the next generation of crooks? The only lesson that is being taught to the students attending Milken’s class is simply, steal big, become a hero; steal small, stay in jail.


West Hills
