
Man Arrested for Hoax in Kidnaping Case

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<i> From Associated Press</i>

A man who allegedly demanded $10,000 in exchange for the return of Polly Klaas apparently had nothing to do with the kidnaping of the 12-year-old girl, authorities said Tuesday.

James Arthur Heard Jr. of Petaluma was arrested Monday night and booked for investigation of attempted extortion and posing as a kidnaper, said FBI spokesman Rick Smith. Both crimes are felonies.

Investigators believe Heard was seeking part of the $200,000 reward offered for the safe return of Polly, who was kidnaped at knife point at her Petaluma home on Oct. 1.


“We believe he was an opportunist,” Smith said.

Heard, 20, allegedly phoned Petaluma police several times on Sunday and Monday, Smith said. He said he would return the girl in exchange for the money and directed that it be dropped off at a bus stop, according to authorities.

Authorities discovered where the calls came from and watched the place where the money was supposed to be left for the caller. No one showed up, so the FBI obtained a search warrant and aided Petaluma police in arresting Heard at his home, Smith said.
