
‘Jeffrey’ Trivializes

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Having seen Paul Rudnik’s play “Jeffrey” in New York, I am not surprised that Sylvie Drake loved it (“ ‘Jeffrey’ a Hilarious Yet Serious Romp,” Sept. 30). What’s not to love?

Here we have a sitcom filled with giddy gays, Angst -ridden gays, suffering gays, even dying gays! What could be more acceptable to America than that?

And isn’t it simply amazing that the “queen” gets the best lines, to quote Drake? Camp is such fun.


What a breakthrough! More harmless, silly gay men, too effeminate and soft to scare anyone. Nothing threatening about these cuddly sitcom boys. Some of them are dying, but, hell, that’s the price ya pay, ya know? And these gay boys die so amusingly!

They’re used to suffering, see?

As a gay man, I am sickened that “Jeffrey” is the way another gay man sees gay men. These characters don’t talk like human beings, let alone gay men I know.

Campy gay fun is, was and always will be palatable to an America that trivializes gay men and renders them “other.” What is sad is that Paul Rudnik sees gay men in the same diminishing light.



North Hollywood
