
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

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A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* VENICE HIGH: Approved the closure of Zanja Street to through traffic during school hours at Venice High School in an attempt to curb gang violence. Three students were wounded in a drive-by shooting near the school last year.

* VENICE CANALS: Approved the temporary closure of the 200 block of Linnie Canal Court and the Courtyard behind homes in the 2400 block of Grand Canal from noon to 8 p.m. Sunday for a carnival celebrating the reconstruction of the Venice Canals. The $6-million project, which took 20 months, included replacing broken sidewalks, planting wetlands vegetation along new banks and removing muck and tires from the canals.


* FOOD FEST: Approved waiving city permit fees of $1,050 for the display of street banners announcing the Hot and Spicy Food Festival at the Pacific Design Center on Saturday and Sunday. The festival is a fund-raiser sponsored by the Santa Monica Meals on Wheels Program.

* PROJECT ANGEL FOOD: Approved waiving city permit fees of $412 for the display of street banners announcing a fund-raising event by Project Angel Food at the Pacific Design Center on Dec. 4-5. The organization is a nonprofit agency that prepares and delivers hot meals to homebound people with AIDS.

* REWARD: Councilwoman Ruth Galanter is asking that a reward offered for information on a 1991 Venice murder case be increased from $10,000 to $25,000. The reward is for information leading to a conviction in the murder of Joseph Dennis Cole, a 30-year-old Oakwood resident killed in front of his home during a 1991 street robbery. Cole was the son of actor Dennis Cole.



How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

* APPOINT: Approved the appointment of former school board member Larry Gonzalez to the Fire Commission. Gonzalez took the spot that Mayor Richard Riordan had sought for Latino activist Xavier Hermosillo, who was rejected by the council in August.. PASSED: 12-0.

VOTING YES: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Jackie Goldberg, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Zev Yaroslavsky.


ABSENT: Galanter.

* NATURAL DISASTER: Approved a proposal supporting federal legislation that would establish a primary insurance fund and provide financial assistance to state and local governments to speed the recovery from natural disasters. PASSED: 12-0.

VOTING YES: Ferraro, Galanter, Goldberg, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Yaroslavsky.

ABSENT: Braude.
