
TV REVIEWS : ‘A Matter of Justice’ Based on Real Feud

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Seduction, murder, kidnaping and child abuse: These are some of the major elements at work in the two-part drama “A Matter of Justice,” which airs tonight and Monday at 9 p.m. on NBC (Channels 4, 36 and 39).

On the surface, the movie might appear to contain all the trappings of a tawdry soap opera. But this mostly captivating and swiftly paced work has far more going for it than the usual cheap thrills and unbelievable plot twists.

Based on real events, “A Matter of Justice” effectively tells the remarkable story of the Brown family. After son Chris (Jason London) joins the Marines at the age of 17, he finds himself under the spell of Dusty (Alexandra Powers), a 24-year-old femme fatale. They quickly marry and conceive a child, Christine.

Not surprisingly, the marriage crumbles almost as fast as it takes Dusty to wiggle into one of her skimpy tube dresses. After this blond bombshell discovers that a dead husband is worth more than a divorced one, her new boyfriend is imprisoned for the murder of her estranged spouse.


But Chris’ mother, Mary (Patty Duke), isn’t satisfied with just one conviction. She also wants to see Mary incarcerated and Christine wrested from her incompetent hands. What follows are several custody battles, a kidnaping and Mary’s undying efforts to see that justice is served despite an inefficient law-enforcement system.

What’s most impressive is this drama’s ability to piece together a multitude of plot elements and characters into a work that keeps you glued to the TV. As written by Dennis Turner and directed by Mike Switzer, it also captures various moods--from steamy sensuality to familial unrest--in a way that is more artful than obvious.

Like just about every other TV movie, “A Matter of Justice” is occasionally too thick with sentimentality. But overall, this represents two evenings well spent.

