
Impact of Relocation on Nisei Questioned

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Re “Graduating With Honor After 50 Years,” Oct. 17:

Nowhere is the $20,000 entitlement for “human suffering” mentioned. Every Nisei pictured in the (Roosevelt High School reunion) photo (probably) has accepted “for human suffering,” $20,000 each, and tax free.

So generous is our Uncle Sam, made so by an unearned guilt trip, that our Congress and media have supported the greatest swindle in U.S. history.

Under the Japanese-American Student Relocation Program, 4,300 people of Japanese descent were assisted in entering colleges and universities, all of which accepted high school graduation credentials, whether from relocation centers or internment camps. . . . These 4,300 who spent the war years getting an education--thus having a four-year jump on returning GIs--also received a $20,000 stipend for “human suffering.”


Not a single case of atrocity has ever been brought against the War Relocation Authority or our wartime government. Contrast this American humane treatment and understanding of a wartime condition with the European and Pacific holocausts.

