
Shooting Down a Bad Idea : Antonovich Plan to Relocate Firefighting Planes Draws Broad Opposition

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Wildfires and Santa Ana winds were not the only sources of hot air this week. There was Supervisor Mike Antonovich’s plan to move Air National Guard firefighting planes from their Channel Islands base in Ventura County back to Van Nuys Airport.

Differences in flight times are between the Point Magu base and Van Nuys airport are considered to be so minor as to be almost insignificant, perhaps as little as five minutes. The delay in using the planes during the first round of firestorms, in fact, had not a whit to do with their locations. It involved red tape, confusion, and too few personnel were available as well. Air National Guard officers have also complained that current laws state that their planes cannot be used until all available civilian aircraft have been hired.

The Air National Guard also questions the use of Van Nuys for a firefighting base. It’s one of the nation’s busiest general aviation fields. “Our present location is much, much better because there are fewere aircraft in the area,” said Lt. Col. Bruce Roy, a spokesman for state Air National Guard headquarters.


Antonovich’s plan is “mindless and senseless” to Ron Kochevar, general manager of Van Nuys Airport. It’s also “absolutely unacceptable and irrational” to Van Nuys airport’s very noise conscious neighbors. It’s one suggestion Antonovich should have kept to himself.
