
Fire Officials Shut Down Marina ‘Rave’ Concert : Pop music: Despite necessary permits, event featuring some of the biggest acts in techno dance music never opens its doors due to concern about overcrowding.

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A “rave” concert featuring some of the biggest acts in techno dance music was shut down to the dismay of waiting fans Saturday night by Los Angeles City Fire Department officials fearing overcrowding.

The event was scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. at a Marina Del Rey-area sound stage, but the doors never opened, and organizers informed an estimated crowd of 3,000 gathered on Glencoe Avenue of the cancellation at about 11 p.m.

Some disappointed fans walked on top of and kicked several cars on the street, but police officers at the scene said that there were no arrests or reported injuries and that the crowd dispersed in relatively orderly fashion.


Raves, the “cyberpunk” dance parties known for their sensory-overload blend of percolating, electronic techno music and elaborate light shows, are often presented as underground events, with the location usually kept secret until the day of the event, when flyers and telephone hot lines spread the word.

Unlike most raves, which operate without official clearance, Saturday’s dance-concert, titled “Circa 93,” had all the necessary permits, according to organizers.

“We contacted the owner of this site and consulted the police and brought the fire marshal out to look at it,” said an organizer, who gave his name as Tom but refused to give his last name. “We put in new exit signs and emergency lighting, but tonight there was a new inspector and he said no.”


A Fire Department spokesman said Sunday morning that overcrowding was the reason for the decision, and that a full report would be filed today.

“Circa 93” was the next-to-last date of a national tour by the New York-based musician Moby, who is considered the first American rave star. The concert also billed performances by the English duo Orbital and the rising rave star Aphex Twin, and was intended to go until 6 a.m.

Representatives of the event’s organizers told the crowd that refunds would be made for tickets, but provided no details. Organizers also talked of possibly rescheduling the event for another location in two or three weeks.


Tim Garbutt, a member of the English techno duo Utah Saints and a scheduled deejay for the evening, said this was the only show on the tour that had been closed down. He said that he was worried that the crowd would riot when told of the closing.

Among the disappointed fans were Matt O’Donnell and Dani, who had driven from Vancouver, B.C.

“We came specifically for the party,” Dani said. “Aphex is our idol.”

The two said, however, that they were going to San Francisco for the tour’s final scheduled stop on Sunday.
