
Israel Opens Dead Sea Dig to All

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<i> Associated Press</i>

Bowing to political and academic pressure, Israeli officials Tuesday opened the search for new Dead Sea Scrolls to archeologists from around the world and invited Palestinians to join the hunt.

The invitation was an attempt to blunt criticism by Palestinians that Israel is plundering artifacts shortly before it has to give up the land as part of the recent accord between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

A statement from the Israeli Antiquities Authority promised that any discoveries would be subject to a settlement reached during Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. “The desert is very big, and we welcome any archeologist from around the world too,” said an Antiquities Authority spokeswoman.


But Nazmi Jubeh, an archeologist and adviser to the Palestinian negotiating team, rejected the Israeli offer. “We cannot cooperate under a scientific umbrella and under these conditions. They should not dig in the first place,” Jubeh said.
