
Guerrillas Attack in S. Lebanon

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<i> Associated Press</i>

Hezbollah guerrillas Tuesday mounted their heaviest attack on Israeli-held territory in southern Lebanon since Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization made peace in September, security officials said. Israel retaliated with air raids.

A guerrilla was killed and six fighters from both sides--including two Israeli soldiers--were wounded in the fighting, the officials and the guerrillas said. The Iran-backed Hezbollah opposes the Mideast peace process.

Israel accused Syria, Lebanon’s main power broker, of provoking the Hezbollah attacks to reap political gains in the two countries’ stalled talks. Israel’s negotiations are at an impasse, in contrast to the progress made in talks with Palestinians and Jordan.


Israel Television, meanwhile, reported that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has offered to withdraw from southern Lebanon and sign a peace agreement within three months if the Lebanese government disarms Hezbollah.
