
Sierra Madre : Golf Driving Range Considered at Park

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City officials are considering allowing a golf driving range to be built at the water-spreading basin north of Sierra Vista Park.

Last week, the City Council formed a panel to study the feasibility of a golf center with a shop and cafeteria. Number One Golf, which runs several golf centers in the Los Angeles area, is proposing covering the large ponds of the city-owned spreading basin for a driving range. The company has proposed ornamenting the area with plants and other greenery.

“This could be an anchor to attract people to Sierra Madre,” said Sean Joyce, interim city administrator.


Joyce said the center could be a valuable source of sales tax revenue and that golfers would spend money at local shops and restaurants.

Sierra Madre took in $180,000 in sales tax revenue last year. City auditors have warned the council that the city must find new sources of revenue if it is to maintain services.
