
Compton : Nationwide Search Begun to Hire New Schools Chief

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Two private firms have assembled a list of finalists after a nationwide search for an administrator to run the Compton Unified School District, which came under state control in July.

Five to 10 finalists will be interviewed by acting state schools chief William D. Dawson, who will make the final choice. Officials said they hope to announce an appointment by the end of November.

Since July, the district has been run by retired superintendent Stanley G. Oswalt, who accepted the state’s request to take the job on a short-term basis. Oswalt approved spending up to $19,700 for the search at Tuesday’s board meeting.


Harold Webb Associates LTD of Winnetka, Ill., will be paid up to $16,500 to look for candidates outside California. Management Analysis Planning Associates of Berkeley will receive up to $3,000 to compile a list of California prospects.

The state-appointed administrator has czar-like powers to run the financially and academically struggling school system. The administrator will remain in charge until student achievement improves and until Compton becomes financially solvent and develops a plan to repay nearly $20 million in state loans.

The state had offered the Compton job to Richard P. Mesa, head of the Oakland school district. Mesa initially accepted, then declined the job.
