
PORT HUENEME : City Council Adopts $6.4-Million Budget

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More than four months into its fiscal year, the Port Hueneme City Council on Wednesday adopted a $6.4-million spending plan that includes $900,000 in previously approved budget cuts.

As part of the city’s continuing belt-tightening, the budget eliminates two customer service positions that are no longer occupied. The city has dropped about a dozen staff positions from its payroll since last year.

City Finance Director Jim Hanks said that the state and county combined have transferred up to $250,000 a year in revenue the city was accustomed to receiving.


While the new budget does not force the city to lay off any more employees, the budget does not restore any of the services the council cut earlier this year when state lawmakers took away a portion of the city’s property tax.

The loss in state revenue forced the city to close the Dorill B. Wright Cultural Center, drop all recreation programs at the city athletic center and slash the park maintenance staff.

The spending cuts could have been worse if not for the council’s creation of three assessment districts to help pay the cost of maintenance of the city’s parks, beach and street medians. The districts will raise an estimated $560,000 this year.
