
McClintock to Run for State Controller

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From a Times Staff Writer

Former Assemblyman Tom McClintock, a Ventura County conservative and anti-tax crusader, has announced plans to run for state controller.

McClintock, 37, a Republican who represented Ventura County in the Legislature for a decade ending in 1992, has not been shy about assailing leaders of his party, including Gov. Pete Wilson. He had been mentioned in conservative circles as a possible challenger to Wilson, but decided that a race for state controller was more winnable.

A strong critic of waste in government spending, McClintock lost a congressional bid last year to liberal Democrat Anthony C. Beilenson.


“The controller’s office is the ideal office from which to wage a crusade in which to eliminate government waste,” McClintock said.

McClintock is the only prominent Republican to enter the race so far. Other prospective candidates include Democrats Rusty Areias, an assemblyman from San Jose, and Brad Sherman of Granada Hills, who chairs the State Board of Equalization.
