
No. 1 Player Might Start on the Bench

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Coaches in the Garden Grove League call Pacifica’s Chris Vlasic the league’s best player. Bob Becker, Vlasic’s coach, doesn’t disagree. He just isn’t sure he wants to start Vlasic.

What? The league’s best player, not starting?

“That may turn out to be what’s best for the team, chemistry-wise,” Becker said. “It wouldn’t bother Chris. If the chemistry works out with Chris on the bench at the start, then that’s what we’ll do.”

So would it bother Vlasic if he isn’t introduced over the public address system?

“I want to do anything I can to contribute to the team and help us win,” he said. “I’ve already started for two years. Starting is more of a glamorous thing anyway. It doesn’t matter who starts, it’s who finishes the game. And I’m pretty sure I’ll be on the court at the end of the game.”


Becker wouldn’t have it any other way. He calls Vlasic a coach’s dream.

“It’s rare that your best player is your hardest worker,” Becker said. “But Chris is just tireless.”

But Becker said he won’t allow Vlasic to become tired this season, as he has in the past. Becker has a team that goes 10 deep, and he plans to use everyone.

“Chris won’t have great stats compared to some of the players in this league, but no one in the league will be as good a player as Chris,” Becker said.


Vlasic was used almost exclusively as a guard last season on Pacifica’s team that was 13-10 and 8-6 in league. But, on this year’s team that is the unanimous favorite to win the league title, Becker says Vlasic will play everywhere--the wing, the point and the post.

“If we really wanted to get the ball into him, Chris could be up there with anybody in the county in scoring,” Becker said. “But he’s versatile enough where he can play where we need him.”

While playing nearly the entire game last season, Vlasic averaged 18.6 points, nine rebounds and four assists. Vlasic expects his playing time to decrease, but his quality time to increase.


“Our style of play will be transition, which leads to a lot of easy baskets,” he said.

Vlasic is getting used to his third style of play and his third coach in two years.

“I’ve learned a lot about the game over the last two years,” he said. “All three coaches are respectable men. I’ve taken the best from each one.”

Vlasic took note of Becker’s disciplinarian style this summer when he took a family vacation to Hawaii during the height of Pacifica’s summer season.

“In the 10 days I was gone, we played nine games,” Vlasic said. “I had already planned the vacation and I decided I wanted to be with my family. I found out Becker is pretty strict. He expects you to be at all the practices.”

But Becker said Vlasic’s absence turned out to be a blessing.

“Once he left for Hawaii, we won five or six games in a row,” Becker said. “I don’t think it’s as much Chris leaving as it was the kids coming together.”
