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The House gave its final approval of the Clinton Administration’s first military budget, a $261-billion measure for fiscal 1994 that is down about 4% from the comparable 1993 bill. Setting post-Cold War priorities, the bill (HR 2401) reduces active-duty strength to 1.62 million troops toward a goal of 1.4 million by 1999. The bill cuts missile defense spending sharply, to $3 billion, while shifting the emphasis from space-based Star Wars defenses to ground-based interceptor systems that are portable from theater to theater. It caps the B-2 bomber program at 20 aircraft, grants a 2.2% military pay raise effective in January, 1994, and gives the force of law to Pentagon policies against openly gay conduct by service personnel.

Supporter G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery (D-Miss.) said the bill “meets the minimum needs of the military while recognizing the realities of the changing world and the realities of the federal budget.”

Opponent Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said the lowered defense budget “leaves this nation with a defense plan that seriously undermines our ability to maintain a robust and effective fighting force.”


The vote was 273 for and 135 against. A yes vote was to pass the bill.

How They Voted

Rep. Horn (R): Yea

Rep. Roybal-Allard (D): Yea

Rep. Royce (R): Yea

Rep. Torres (D): Yea

Rep. Tucker (D): Yea

Abortion Clinic Access

The House adopted an amendment limiting the scope of a bill (HR 796) to combat violence at abortion clinics. The underlying bill, later passed on a non-record vote, makes it a federal crime to block access to clinics or harm their patients or staff. The amendment exempts parents and legal guardians who are using normal measures to keep a minor from having an abortion.

Sponsor Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) said parents should not be penalized by the bill “for raising their children.”

Opponent Jack Brooks (D-Tex.) said that given the difficulty of instantly determining who is a parent or a minor, the amendment would impede police protection of clinics.


The vote was 350 for and 82 against. A yes vote was to adopt the amendment.

How They Voted

Rep. Horn (R): Nay

Rep. Roybal-Allard (D): Yea

Rep. Royce (R): Yea

Rep. Torres (D): Nay

Rep. Tucker (D): Yea

Source: Roll Call Report Syndicate
