
Story Prompts Memories of Billy Graham

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Thank you for Randall Balmer’s commentary on the occasion of the 75th birthday of the Rev. Billy Graham. It brought back very pleasant memories of the time I met him while a student in New York City. I entered an elevator in the Time-Life building to find the only other occupant was Dr. Graham.

We talked for as long as it took to ascend to the top floor. When the elevator doors parted, Henry Luce was waiting there to greet him. But before leaving with Mr. Luce, Dr. Graham turned back around, gave me a beaming smile and said, “Please give your parents my love!”

Naturally, I couldn’t wait to tell them. My father wrote that he was “pleased but not surprised at the kindness our beloved brother, Billy Graham, showed to you. He is a true prince of the Lord.”


To which I can only add a most heartfelt “Amen!”


On Liberation and Theology

Re: “Politically Active Mexican Bishop Faces Threat of Removal by Vatican,” Nov. 6:

Your story refers to Pope John Paul’s “decade-long campaign to reign in politically active priests and nuns, especially those who advocate liberation theology, a doctrine that promotes human rights, social justice and human development.” There is the implication that the pope is against all of these things, as he might be opposed to mom, apple pie and the flag. If this were true, it would deny the truth of history, which shows a Catholic support of such causes, far in advance of the world’s recognition of similar conditions. Moreover, it fails to recall not only Pope Leo XII’s “Rerum Novarum,” but Pope John Paul’s reaffirmation of this encyclical in his own “Centissismus Annus.” I can assure you that John Paul is no liar; his actions and his words match well.

Concern for the poor and the downtrodden is one thing and liberation theology quite another. The church teaches the first and warns against the second. She has warned against liberation theology not for its espousal of liberation, but for its very theology, a theology associated undisguisedly with Marxism. It should be clear enough to the world by this time that the main enemy of Marxism is the church, and the main enemy of the church is Marxism. Marxism seeks to rip Christ from the cross, where he is a symbol to the poor and the rich alike of another kingdom; and it is the function of the church to preach Christ was crucified.


Chaplains’ Role at Hospitals

Re: “Disease and the Almighty,” Nov. 13, about the Christian Oncology Care Center:

Most hospitals employ professionally trained chaplains to offer the type of ministry described in your article. However, the trained professional hospital chaplain strives to minister within the spiritual values and faith stance of the patient. Professional hospital chaplains would not limit their ministry, as does the Christian Oncology Care Center, to “Christians of all denominations.” Professional chaplains are certified after at least a year of intense pastoral clinical training to minister to people of all spiritualities.


It is because chaplains are trained to respond to the spiritual needs of all people that it is essential that in the provisions of health care reform, chaplains be included as necessary members of the professional health care team.

FATHER STEPHEN R. RYAN, Director, Chaplaincy Services, Queen of Angeles-Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, Hollywood
