
COUNTYWIDE : Postal Officials Say Beware of Solicitors

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In this season of giving, be wary of whom you give to, particularly through the mail.

That’s the advice from the U.S. Postal Service, which says that some criminals take advantage of the holiday season to solicit contributions for charitable organizations that don’t exist.

Last year, postal inspectors arrested 2,073 people on charges of mail fraud and obtained convictions in 1,990 of the cases, according to the U.S. Postal Service.

Postal investigators offer the following tips:

* Give only to organizations you’re familiar with. You can obtain information on national charities from the National Charities Information Bureau, Department 308, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003-3395.


* If you’re unfamiliar with the charity, ask for its annual report and financial statement. If the organization is not willing to provide these financial documents, you should immediately be suspicious.

* Make checks payable to an organization only, never to an individual.

* If you receive unsolicited merchandise, you are entitled to keep it. However, you are not obligated to send a donation.

* Do not give your credit card number unless you’re sure you’re dealing with a legitimate organization.


* Report any suspicious mail solicitation to your local postmaster or postal inspector.
