
Definitions for the ‘Femi-Nazi’ Label

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* Regarding the recently published letter from Ms. Mary Traeger (“What’s Behind ‘Fem-Nazi’ Label?” Dec. 12) regarding the “proper” definition and usage of the term “femi-Nazi” as defined by that great literary and political scholar Rush Limbaugh: I feel that I’m at least as qualified as “Professor” Limbaugh to offer my own neology: “Femin-idiot” (noun): Any female who espouses the opinions of a misogynist about women.


Newport Beach

* I am once again reminded of the small minds and limited perspectives that unfortunately abound in our society. The term “Nazi” is uniformly offensive and associated with horrific atrocities. Ms. Traeger and Mr. Limbaugh use this offensive term to derisively paint those in favor of abortion rights as champions of genocide, while ignoring the problems of abandoned and unwelcome children. In fact, many, if not most, abortion rights supporters are for fewer abortions and far fewer unwelcome conceptions.


Huntington Beach
