
Driver Was Devastated by Child’s Death in Accident

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* I am a friend of the driver involved in the tragic accident reported in the story “Armenian Boy Killed While Crossing Street” (Dec. 9). I have known Kip Stolberg since college, and I feel compelled to write on his behalf.

Kip rarely has a single drink--much less would he ever drink and drive. He has never even experimented with drugs (in college or otherwise). I can say with certainty that neither were involved that night.

You did not make it clear when you wrote, “Detective James Mann said alcohol does not appear to have been a factor in the accident, though investigators wonder why the brothers (crossing the street in the crosswalk) were not noticed”(emphasis added).


What the police report reflects is that alcohol was not involved--period.

As tragic as this loss is for the family, I know that it has also devastated the driver of the car. He will be haunted by “what if” questions the rest of his life.

As to why he didn’t see the pedestrians, I would ask: How well-lit is the intersection? What color clothing were the pedestrians wearing?

I believe before the Los Angeles Times prints a story, all of the factors should be investigated before a “victim/villain” scenario is painted. The reporter should also understand that the driver has been in shock and has been instructed not to speak to anyone.


My deepest sympathy goes out to the family for their loss, and I know if Kip could, he would personally extend his sympathy and regret to the family.


