
STUDIO CITY : Council Agrees to Hire Patrols for Park

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The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday agreed to spend $5,000 to hire off-duty city park rangers to make weekend patrols of Laurel Canyon Park.

The rangers, who will patrol parkland off Mulholland Drive in the hills above Studio City, will be paid with funds generated by parking enforcement along Mulholland Corridor as well as private donations solicited by a group of park volunteers, said Alisa Katz, chief deputy for City Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky, who introduced the motion.

A community group will match the city’s $5,000 contribution, Katz said.

She said the park now has only limited supervision even though it receives hundreds of weekend visitors.


“This park is not like other city parks where everybody knows the rules,” Katz said of the facility, which is a popular spot for walking dogs. “We have to have somebody out there who knows what the rules are and who will enforce them.”
