
Black Men’s Prospects

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* “Grim Picture Painted for State’s Black Men” (Dec. 11) illustrates the warped judgment of today’s liberal mind-set. The study referenced in the article states that: 1) Black males are three times more likely to drop out of school. 2) Unskilled black males are less likely to get a job than unskilled white males. 3) Educated black males are equally likely to get a job as an educated white male. In typical liberal fashion, the main conclusion of the article was that unskilled blacks are being discriminated against. If they were really interested in the well-being of black males they would trumpet the more important finding that if black males stay in school and get an education they can escape the cycle of poverty.



* Immigrants first. Blacks second! Not fair. Let’s stop welcoming illegal immigrants until our African Americans gain parity. It is time to take care of our own citizens.


Studio City
