
SYLMAR : Police Lauded for Giveaway to Needy

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“Santa Clauses in big blue suits” is how one grateful recipient described Los Angeles police officers who hand-delivered holiday food to needy residents of the east San Fernando Valley on Wednesday, the last day of a five-day giveaway program.

The LAPD Foothill Division distributed $22,000 worth of food, clothing and gifts in its 12th annual giveaway, making possible the only Christmas dinner that some people are likely to get this year. Eleven LAPD officers and 10 reserve officers since Saturday morning have worked steadily, sometimes through double shifts, to pick up and hand out the grocery bags.

If the police officers were St. Nicks in navy, there was also an elf in LAPD blue. Jean-Thomas Louvier, 9, has helped his father, Officer Jay Louvier, on the delivery route for the past four years. Each year, he comes decked out in miniature police officer’s regalia, complete with cap, walkie-talkie and toy gun. Often, his outfit helps break the ice.


“Doesn’t that look good on you!” exclaimed Callie Scott, 74, a resident at Budlong Manor, a senior citizens apartment complex where the officers made a stop Wednesday.

Scott and other residents watched as the food-bearers carried in about 30 bags and boxes filled with ham, noodle mix, butter, canned tuna and necessities. The rec room of the complex glittered with tinsel from the holiday decorations, which lent some cheer to a room furnished with plastic bucket seats and faux-wood-topped tables. Dolores Montepiano, 56, waved a list of the names of people who were to receive donated food.

The Foothill Division identifies needy people--through referrals from churches and community organizations. Police officers purchased $17,000 worth of food and other items using money raised during the past year. Businesses including Hughes Markets Inc. and Pace Membership Warehouse donated another $5,000 worth of food.
