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What bugs you most about your brother or sister?

Responses gathered by Dana Lenetz, Foothill; Joe Sherbanee, Mater Dei; Robert Wenzel, Irvine; Jennifer Tobkin, Villa Park; Amber Pierce, Los Alamitos; Audrey Rosenberg, Laguna Hills; Judy Tsai, Huntington Beach; Michelle Pham, Trabuco Hills; Amanda Garcia, El Modena; Lisa Okikawa, Cypress; Julie Brighton, Esperanza; Tricia Michels, Fountain Valley; Koreen Kalie, Westminster; Adam Johnston, Whittier Christian; Leeza Duong, Santiago; Mona Hanouni, Loara; Kelly Maakestad, Bolsa Grande; Kelly Darling, Calvary Chapel.

“When my sister and I do the exact same thing, but I get in trouble for it.”

Dennis Dierck, 15

sophomore, Villa Park

“My brother is 15 and already bigger than I am.”

Matt Smith, 17

senior, Foothill

“My brother’s annoying little jokes that he tells his fifth-grade friends.”

Katherine Skorupski, 17

senior, Mater Dei

“My sister gets more privileges even though she’s younger--and she does the other annoying girl things.”

Eric Yee, 16

junior, Irvine

“Her clothes! She always finds the cute things first when we go shopping, and then I have to beg her to borrow them.”


Julia Farsadi, 17

senior, Trabuco Hills

“My brother’s protectiveness. When a boy comes to pick me up, he sometimes holds the door closed and won’t let me leave until I tell him where I’m going. He’s so annoying.”

Julie Deschenes, 16

junior, El Modena

“My younger brother and sister have no attention span. None whatsoever! If you tell my sister to go get ready for bed, half an hour later you’ll find her singing in the bathroom in the mirror.”

Becky Thompson, 17

senior, Cypress

“When (my brother and sister) are watching TV and they imitate a character in a show or repeat a commercial. The first time it’s kind of cute, but after the 20th time it really gets annoying.”


Melanie Huniu, 16

junior, Loara

“What bugs me the most about my sisters is they don’t know when to stop being like a mother. Everything I do or don’t do they always have a comment to make, whether it’s what I eat or where I go. I think you have the idea.”

Rodney Elcock, 18

senior, Santiago

“When they will not get off the phone when I need to make an important phone call!”

Truman Chen, 16

junior, Fountain Valley

“My brother never listens to me, treats me like he’s better than me at times and, most of all, he’s stubborn.”

Jacque Velazquez, 15

freshman, Huntington Beach

“When my brother and sisters are all together, we can’t stand each other, but when we are all apart, we need each other.”


Skorn Ponratana, 16

junior, Foothill

“They leave a mess in the bathroom and expect me to pick it up.”

Heather McCaleb, 16

junior, Esperanza

“My sister will never let me watch the most important football game of the year if ‘Saved By the Bell’ is on the television.”

Vincent Pla, 18

senior, Loara

“I have to share a room with my sister, and she never lets me listen to the radio. She also tells on me.”

Jessica Owens, 16

junior, Trabuco Hills

“I have a sister who constantly borrows things without asking. She probably doesn’t ask because she knows that I will say no, but that’s no excuse. She should ask first.”

Amanda Wade, 17

senior, Cypress

“My brother bugs me when he leaves his toys on the floor and I trip over them in the middle of the night.”

Chris Wood, 14

freshman, Bolsa Grande

“What bugs me about my brother is that he is older and he always gets away with the thing that I get in trouble for, like staying out late until 3 o’clock in the morning.”

Gary Nguyen, 18

senior, Santiago

“When my sisters tell on me, take my clothes and won’t play games with me.”

Laurel Sato, 16

junior, Mater Dei

“When they think just because they’re bigger than me, they could tell me what to do and boss me around like a little girl.”


Rosie Anguiano, 15

freshman, Sonora

“When they call me names and when they bother me while I’m watching TV.”

Rudy Munoz, 17

junior, Fountain Valley.

“Plain and simple, their existence.”

David Jenkins, 16

junior, Westminster

“Both of my sisters tell on me all the time.”

Ted Moore

senior, Laguna Hills

“My brother and how he plays his radio really loudly and sings along with it.”

Susan Shaw, 15

sophomore, Villa Park

“When they don’t do their share of the work; also, sometimes their attitudes.”

Lezlee Tamo, 15

sophomore, Los Alamitos

“Depending upon my mood, her loudness and interjectiveness can get on my nerves, but I still love her.”

Michael Klingler, 18

senior, Calvary Chapel

“My sister throws temper tantrums, and my brother is narrow-minded.”

Stacie Stamps, 16

junior, El Modena

“What I don’t like about my brother is that he’s always borrowing my T-shirts without asking.”

Maria Cruz, 17

senior, Cypress

“Invasion of privacy is probably the worst thing--at least for me; my sister invades my room whenever she feels like it.”

John Chodera, 16

junior, Westminster

“I don’t get to see them often enough.”

Anne Greaves, 17

senior, Mater Dei

“My brother and sister get more things and more special treatment because they are younger.”

Rajani Kumaraswany, 15

sophomore, Irvine

“My brother calls me Mutt.”

Lisa Draper, 16

junior, Huntington Beach

“My sister always wants to do everything with me. When I let her come along, she tells on me for little stupid things.”

Jenny Treadway, 14

freshman, Sonora

“My little sister is annoying when she wants to tag along with me and when we fight over clothes and the phone.”


Jenny Hong, 16

junior, Trabuco Hills

“He’s habitually lazy and leaves his stuff everywhere.”

Erica Jensen, 16

junior, Whittier Christian

“My sister bugs me the most when she embarrasses me in front of my boyfriend.”

Amy Hollyman, 14

freshman, Bolsa Grande

“The thing that bothers me most about my brother is that he is overprotective.”

Robyn Lee, 16

junior, Santiago

“Well, my sister’s older than me, so I probably bug her more than she bugs me. But the one thing that really gets on my nerves is that she always thinks she’s right and tries to correct my faults as if she’s my mother!”

David Ferguson, 16

junior, Loara


What are your predictions for 1994?
