
Make That Theater With a Capital T!

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Whether by chance or by design, it would appear that the Los Angeles Times has adopted a policy of diminishing Theater in Los Angeles, at least in the case of productions presented in small and mid-size venues. With the odd rare exception, it seems as if the only theatrical works considered worthy of front (or near front) page coverage are the big ones, the imports from New York or from London.

A case in point is “Ruthless!,” which opened at the mid-size Canon Theatre in Beverly Hills last month. In her enthusiastic review of “Ruthless!” (“In Grand Company With ‘Ruthless!,’ ” Calendar, Nov. 19), Sylvie Drake confessed that she “she enjoyed it to the hilt,” and further added that “the fact that one can enjoy it so helplessly says a lot about the production’s quality.” But despite Drake’s enthusiasm, the review was relegated to Page 20 of the section, with no photo depicting the “witty sets” or the Bob Mackie costumes, which Drake felt “might be enough reason to see ‘Ruthless!’ ”

There are plenty of good reasons to see this insanely inspired musical send-up of child stars and stage mothers. It is beautifully performed by a very talented cast, including a little 8-year-old, Lindsay Ridgeway, a micro-Merman who may well have been reincarnated in this incredible child; it is nonstop funny (Loren Freeman’s in-drag performance makes the man the funniest leading lady I’ve ever seen); and the production is impeccably staged.


While I appreciate my own good fortune in television and motion pictures, I would hope that the tired, old excuse of Los Angeles being primarily a film and television town will finally be put to pasture. Los Angeles is also a Theater town and it’s about time that our No. 1 newspaper (as well as some of our local television stations) recognized and supported that. But when they relegate all but the big blockbusters to the back of the bus, they are sending a subliminal message to all that it’s simply not important to cover Theater. Even Theater that they themselves happen to enjoy.
