
CANOGA PARK : Low-Income Owners Offered Home Repairs

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Low-income west San Fernando Valley homeowners whose residences are in need of repair may qualify to have them fixed for free under a new program kicked off by a nonprofit international housing developer and a Canoga Park home supply store.

The San Fernando/Santa Clarita Valley chapter of Habitat for Humanity will locate qualified homes in need of new roofs, siding and interior wall repairs, painting or landscaping. Home Depot will donate materials and employee hours to make the repairs.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 30, 1993 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday December 30, 1993 Valley Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Column 5 Metro Desk 2 inches; 60 words Type of Material: Correction
Home repairs--An article Wednesday about a home-repair program sponsored by Habitat for Humanity failed to note that there is some cost to homeowners who participate. Habitat said Wednesday that qualifying West Valley homeowners must pay the group the wholesale cost of materials through a no-interest loan program. Habitat also provided an incorrect telephone number. The correct number for information is 818-980-9797.

To qualify, a home must be owner-occupied, structurally sound and in the area between the Ventura and Simi Valley freeways and west of Reseda Boulevard.


No one has yet been selected for the program, which organizers hope will be made available to five or six homeowners annually.

“What we do is help families break the cycle of poverty by providing affordable, basic, decent housing,” said Robert Lamishaw, executive director of Habitat’s Valley chapter.

Lamishaw said Home Depot came to him with the plan to help.

“We just want to give something back to the community we serve,” store manager Steve Poje said.


Candidates can receive applications by calling Habitat for Humanity at (818) 908-0707.
