
AT WORSHIP: A Pasadena research group has...

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AT WORSHIP: A Pasadena research group has produced the first survey of religious congregations in the San Fernando Valley. . . . The study, to be updated yearly, found that 69% of Valley congregations are Protestant. By comparison, 83% are Protestant in the San Gabriel Valley. See Valley Briefing (B5)

PARKS PROBE: San Fernando parks director Jess Margarito, a former mayor, is being investigated by the district attorney for possible criminal acts. Now he may face further allegations. City police--asking for a search warrant as part of another investigation ordered by the City Council--accused him of ordering payment for work that was never performed (B1). . . . Margarito calls the investigations politically motivated.

DISARM THE HARMLESS: Police and organizers consider the “Tickets for Guns” campaign a success for bringing in 412 weapons (B4). Biggest haul: 125 guns traded at Our Lady of the Valley Church in Canoga Park for tickets to show-biz events. . . . But the Street Beat column (B2) found skepticism among gun-toters and cops alike, who said most of the guns were unusable junk brought in by harmless owners, not potential criminals. In the words of Knuckles from Pacoima: “Nobody’s going to give up their gat for a concert ticket.”


IT’S A STEAL: When young people shoplift, they could be rebelling against authority or just trying to keep up with the latest styles. Either way, it could leave them with a police record or worse (E1). . . . “My friends do shoplift,” said Romik Nazarian, 18. “Why spend money if you can get it for free?”

NEVER GIVE UP: As an L. A. councilman, Ernani Bernardi regularly lashed out at the Community Redevelopment Agency. Just because he’s citizen Bernardi now doesn’t mean he’s softened. Bernardi is suing the city (B4), saying CRA meetings violated the state’s public meeting law.

Valley Congregations

There are about 840 religious congregations in the San Fernando Valley. Number of congregations representing some of the largest religious groups: Protestant: 582 Other Christian: 100 Catholic/Orthodox: 56 Jewish: 38 Source: In-Depth Evangelism Associates
