
PRO FOOTBALL / DAILY REPORT : RAIDERS : Shell Praises Pro Bowl Picks

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Raider Coach Art Shell had plenty of praise for the three Raiders voted into the Feb. 6 Pro Bowl Tuesday. But he also had a few words of regret for a couple who didn’t make it.

“Tim Brown has taken his game to another level,” Shell said. “You can’t ask anymore than what he’s given us.

“Steve Wisniewski has become a prototype guard. He’s a very tough individual and he plays very hard all the time . . . . I don’t know if there’s a better guard in the National Football League.


“Terry McDaniel has begun to get the credit he deserves. This is his second year going and he probably should have been in a couple of years before that.”

Shell said there were several other Raiders worthy of selection, but he focused on offensive tackle Gerald Perry, completing his first season as a Raider.

“It’s a disappointment that he didn’t get in,” Shell said, “because everybody he played this year, including some of the top-notch defensive ends in the league, he shut down. But that’s the way it was voted, and we have to accept that.”


A case could also be made for kicker Jeff Jaeger. He has 31 field goals, tying him for the NFL lead, and 117 points, second in the AFC.
