
FAMILY : Baking Offers Kids Lessons for Life

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For special treats and warm memories, invite your children to help you bake.

Choose a familiar recipe that can be made in steps. Children do not have to help with every step to feel involved. Read through the recipe together before starting, and let children gather the ingredients and utensils.

And follow these tips from Debbi Fields, author of the “Mrs. Fields Cookie Book,” founder of the cookie store chain and mother of five daughters, ages 2 to 13:

* Encourage children to work with measuring cups and spoons, and to puzzle out measurements on their own.


* Let children try the difficult parts of baking, such as breaking eggs. This encourages kids to try things that are challenging.

* Encourage kids to experiment with their own recipes and ideas. This will help develop their self-confidence and kitchen judgment.

* Allow young bakers to taste ingredients as you go so they can learn to distinguish similar ingredients and what they contribute to recipes.


* If children are too young to participate in mixing and baking, put them in charge of cookie cutters and sprinkles.

* Teach children to use a timer. This will help prevent burned cookies and improve children’s time and numbers skills.

* Praise the final result. Reward their efforts with warm words and encouragement. Making the finished product a meal centerpiece or sharing family-baked treats with friends and relatives makes the effort extra special.
