
LOS ANGELES COUNTY : Antonovich Loses Round in Fight to Reverse Verdict

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Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich on Wednesday lost a round in his fight to reverse a civil jury verdict that found him guilty of conspiring to influence a judge on behalf of a campaign contributor.

Orange County Superior Court Judge William W. Bedsworth denied motions for either a new trial or for reduction of about $3.6 million in compensatory and punitive damages awarded by the jury in October, ruling that there was “substantial evidence” to support the verdict.

The jury rejected Antonovich’s argument that he had done nothing improper in telephoning Judge Eric Younger almost five years ago on behalf of Krikor Suri and his jewelry business partners, who were embroiled in a lawsuit with another partner.


Two months after Antonovich’s call, Younger excused himself from the case. In a deposition, Younger said he was “uncomfortable about the call either having an impact or the appearance of an impact.”

If the civil judgment is not reversed, county taxpayers could end up footing the bill for the $1.2 million in compensatory damages awarded by the jury, because the county agreed to pay Antonovich’s unspecified share of those damages in exchange for immunity from punitive damages, and because the other defendants’ jewelry company has gone bankrupt.
