
PARENTAL TARGETS: The family of Foothill High...

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PARENTAL TARGETS: The family of Foothill High honor student Stuart A. Tay, beaten to death last New Year’s Eve, is expected to file a civil suit today against the five teens accused of killing him. The Tays are suing the boys’ parents, too. . . . “It’s a unique kind of lawsuit,” says Tay family attorney Mark Edwards. Holding parents responsible for a youth’s crime is a largely untested area of the law, he says. . . . One of the five accused has already pleaded guilty, and the other four are in custody awaiting trial.

SPIRITUAL MENTOR: Crystal Cathedral minister Robert K. Schuller was unable to attend Wednesday’s New York funeral for Norman Vincent Peale because he was out of the country. But Schuller did call the widow of the great religious leader, who had spoken at the Crystal Cathedral many times. . . . Schuller also released a statement saying: “Norman Vincent Peale had an incredible ministry, and of all the religious leaders in the world, he has had the greatest influence in my life.”

NEW SHADOW: Jim Valentino of San Juan Capistrano wanted to “guide young people toward tolerance and understanding” when he revealed last summer that Shadowhawk, his helmet-faced, highly successful comic book hero, was black. Now the urban vigilante has a comic book first in the new issue, due out next week: Shawdowhawk was deliberately infected with the AIDS virus by drug dealers. . . . Says Valentino: “I wanted to emphasize that AIDS can happen to anyone, even superheroes.”


MILLION SMILES: If you wonder whether the new Anaheim Arena is getting its share of customers, officials there are boasting about their afternoon Disney on Ice show on New Year’s Eve. . . . That’s when its 1 millionth paying customer since its June 19 opening will come through the turnstiles. The lucky person gets four tickets per month for any arena event--for a year--Disney merchandise and a luxury suite for the ice show.
