
A summary of selected City Hall actions...

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A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


VENICE ZONING-- Adopted an ordinance establishing land-use restrictions in an area of Venice generally bounded by Lincoln Boulevard, Rose Avenue, Beethoven Street and Venice Boulevard. The restrictions, including a height limit of 36 feet, are aimed at reducing high-density development in neighborhoods of mostly single-family homes. The ordinance becomes law 30 days after it is signed by the mayor.

DINNER FUNDING-- Approved Ruth Galanter’s motion to use $350 of the city’s general purpose fund to partially finance the 1994 Volunteer Recognition Dinner hosted by the Shoreline District of the Department of Recreation and Parks.

POLICE FUNDING-- Approved a $4-million grant for the Police Hiring Supplement Program to add 54 officers to the city’s police force.



FIGHTING DRUGS-- Approved the Police Department’s policy of designating the commanding officer of the narcotics unit as the contact for telephone companies and council offices when problems occur with pay phones used for illegal activities. PASSED: 11-0.

Voting yes: Marvin Braude, Galanter, Jackie Goldberg.

Absent: Zev Yaroslavsky, Mark Ridley-Thomas.
