
COSTA MESA : Tanager Basketball Hoops to Stay Down

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Park commissioners decided this week to leave the Tanager Park basketball hoops down for another three months, after hearing almost three hours of heated public argument about troubles at the basketball courts.

The Parks, Recreation Facilities & Parkways Commission in October ordered four basketball hoops removed after residents complained that players were unruly, rude and were threatening to homeowners.

The commission was set to consider in April reinstalling the two 10-foot baskets and two eight-foot baskets. But two Estancia High School basketball players complained about the loss of the facilities at a December City Council meeting and the issue was sent back to the parks commission.


Many of the more than 125 people at Wednesday’s meeting suggested solutions besides keeping the hoops down. These included installation of two back-to-back hoops on each court to eliminate full-court games; raising the two eight-foot hoops to 10 feet; posting signs banning foul language, and having police patrol the park.

Commission Chairman John De Witt said the commissioners will set study sessions this spring to work out a solution. He said two residents from each side of the issue will be appointed.

A recent city study said 14 additional basketball courts should be built to satisfy the enthusiasm of local players. The city now has 11 outdoor courts, including the two at Tanager, which are considered the city’s best.


“Profanity, litter and graffiti were common,” said resident Patricia Howell as she described the basketball courts before the hoops were removed. Resident Jackie Handleman said she had collected 430 signatures from neighbors who want the courts removed permanently.

But Sarah Noland, a junior at Estancia and a member of the varsity basketball team, said she collected signatures from 535 students, faculty and parents who want the hoops replaced.

Noland told the commission that players do not act to intimidate others.

“We’ve met a lot of really nice people there,” she said, as she described playing at the courts with her teammate and friend Sara Mooney. “We just want our courts back.”
