
VILLA PARK : Council Commends 4 Crime Witnesses

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Four people have been awarded commendations by the City Council for helping to apprehend a car thief and identify a purse snatcher.

An Orange resident, Jeffrey Kisow, was praised by the City Council last week for calling the Sheriff’s Department from his cellular phone after witnessing four people committing a car burglary. Kisow followed the suspects as they drove away.

Just as the burglars attempted to flee the city, a sheriff’s deputy cut the suspects off and arrested them, authorities said. The incident occurred last October.


The suspects were arrested because of Kisow’s involvement in the case, sheriff’s officials said.

In another crime case, Michelle Shabazian of Villa Park and Bryce Shepherd and Brian Roberts, both of Orange, were commended by council members for aiding a woman whose purse was taken as she walked to her car in the Villa Park Shopping Center last September.

A man ran up behind the woman, snatched her purse and drove away as she yelled for help, authorities said.


Shepherd and Roberts saw the theft and chased the suspect but were unable to catch him. Shabazian, however, followed the thief in her car and watched as he got into a waiting vehicle. She followed the car long enough to record the description and license plate number and returned to the shopping center.

The three witnesses gave deputies the same description and license plate number and, together with the victim, who was unharmed, identified the suspect in a photo lineup.

A warrant was issued for a suspect, who was on probation in connection with another robbery, authorities said.


The victim’s purse was later found by an unknown person and returned to the victim with all its contents, except about $40.

“These people were committed to doing the right thing,” Sheriff’s Capt. Bill Miller said. The Sheriff’s Department also commended the four witnesses for their deeds earlier this year.
