
Tonya Harding

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* If we really want the whole of America represented at the Olympics, I would suggest we send both Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Harding can represent a lack of integrity, dishonesty, greed and ruthlessness. Kerrigan conveys all the ideals that we like to think of as the real America--grace, innocence, professionalism and dignity.



* There is no credible evidence, at this time, that Tonya Harding had any prior knowledge of Jeff Gillooly’s admitted attempt to harm Nancy Kerrigan. Of course Gillooly says she had such prior knowledge. But Gillooly is an admitted perjurer, who implicated Harding to reduce a probable 20-year sentence to two years. His tale is in the realm of possibility but, coming from him or his pals, hardly credible.

If Harding had prior knowledge of the attack she should not be permitted to compete in the Olympic Games and benefit from her wrongdoing. However, in America a person is innocent until proven guilty.


It is possible, and even credible, considering Gillooly’s actions that Harding may only be guilty of loving a jerk who was so intent on living off her fame, and fortune, if she won the Olympic Games, that he decided on his own to ensure he received that fortune. If poor judgment in relationships is made a crime we could never build enough prisons.

Until it is proven that Harding had prior knowledge of the attack on Kerrigan she should be permitted to compete.


Corona del Mar

* All of us must be held responsible for our personal conduct, and Tonya Harding’s behavior reeks. She should be ejected from the Olympic team--without further debate.



