
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Rohrabacher Stand on Quake Aid Is Hit

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More than a dozen Latino activists demonstrated outside Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s office Wednesday, blasting him and several other elected officials for supporting federal legislation that would deny long-term aid to illegal immigrants who suffered losses in the Northridge earthquake.

Members of the Chicano Unidos Coalition labeled Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) and Rep. Ron Packard (R-Oceanside) “Mexican bashers,” for their lead roles in working to deny illegal immigrants long-term earthquake relief.

Both men waged a successful campaign in the House of Representatives to amend California’s $8.6-billion earthquake relief bill to deny aid to illegal immigrants.


The bill was delayed in the Senate on Wednesday but still appeared headed for passage by the end of the week. A hurdle to the bill’s passage was removed when the Senate adopted a compromise that would require federal agencies to take reasonable steps to determine whether any applicant for assistance of 90 days or longer is in the country legally.

It would be up to the federal agencies “determine what they consider reasonable steps.”

The coalition--composed of representatives from a number of Latino groups--pledged to work against the reelection of Rohrabacher, Packard and other California officials who back the legislation, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (D-Calif.)

Arturo Montes of the League of United Latin American Citizens of Santa Ana accused Rohrabacher and others of “race baiting” and jumping on the “anti-immigrant bandwagon” in order to win votes this November.


“We may have only 15% or 20% of the vote but (Rohrabacher) needs that to get into office,” Montes said.

But Rohrabacher said Wednesday’s protest was only an attempt to cover up important issues.

“With limited tax dollars, how are we going to be able to provide the same benefit package to illegal aliens as our own citizens and legal residents?” he asked.
