
QUAKE CLAIMS: It’s a good thing 20th...

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QUAKE CLAIMS: It’s a good thing 20th Century Insurance knew where to seek its own protection--Lloyd’s of London. That’s because the Woodland Hills insurer estimates final quake claims to approach $160 million, even though homeowners face 10% deductibles on any of their damage claims. . . . Lloyd’s didn’t come cheaply, though--$13 million a year, with a $10-million deductible. (D2)

VERRRY INTERESTING: Gary Owens, formerly of “Laugh-In” fame, and, more important, ex-honorary mayor of Encino, will share the stage in October with Ronald Reagan as they join the National Broadcasters Hall of Fame. . . . Quipped Owens, a DJ for a Westwood radio station: “After people have heard my show, they’ll know why I’m the one with more bodyguards.”

ASBESTOS: Things were already tough enough for property owners trying to get their lives back together after suffering quake damage. Now there’s a new enemy: asbestos. . . . Hundreds of building owners and residents, such as Jeff Prey (above) of West Hills, must worry about the risk of asbestos contamination, as well as extra cleanup costs. Officials say many probably aren’t even aware of the problem. (B1)


KIDS IN DANGER: The Jan. 17 quake, besides causing damage, has also opened eyes. It turns out that more than 200,000 children in licensed day-care centers in Los Angeles County could be very vulnerable in case of another temblor. . . . No regulations exist requiring safety glass, bolted bookcases and extra supplies of food and water. (B1)

LUCKY FINGER: His right middle finger looks funny these days, but Braden Weber isn’t complaining. Just four months ago, Weber thought he might lose the finger. He was pumping iron when he smashed it between two weights, leaving the tip dangling. . . . Surgery put the finger back together. Weber is now a star hoopster for St. Francis High in La Canada. (C10)
