
Bill Would Recognize Rights of Unmarried Domestic Partners

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Times Staff Writer

Unmarried couples could officially register their relationships, affirming their right to will each other property and allowing them to participate in family-only hospital visits, under legislation that has been introduced in the Assembly.

The bill (AB 2810) would apply to unmarried couples who are living together, including same-sex domestic partners, provided they qualify.

To be eligible to register with the secretary of state, a couple would have to be over the age of 18, not be related by blood, agree to share joint living expenses, and not have been part of another domestic partnership for six months before registering. The measure is sponsored by the gay and lesbian support group Life AIDS Lobby.


“There are thousands of couples who live together and for one reason or another choose not to be married,” author Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sylmar) said. “It’s about time the state of California acknowledges these family relationships.”

A related measure (AB 2811) also introduced by Katz would allow extension of health care coverage to registered unmarried couples employed by public agencies that contract with the state retirement system.


Bill Introductions

* Gambling Commission: AB 2803 by Assemblyman Phillip Isenberg (D-Sacramento) would create a state Gambling Commission to regulate legal gambling such as card rooms. Republican Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren also supports the bill.


* Illegal Immigrants: AB 54X by Assemblywoman Margaret Snyder (D-Modesto) would make it a felony to manufacture or sell false government documents to illegal immigrants for the purpose of concealing their true status. The penalty for convictions would be five years in state prison or a $10,000 fine or both.

* Superscoopers: AB 2802 by Assemblyman Terry Friedman (D-Brentwood) would require the Department of Forestry to lease two amphibious aircraft known as “superscoopers” that can scoop up water from the ocean, lakes and reservoirs to dump on land for firefighting purposes.

* Multiculturalism: AB 2842 by Assemblywoman Diane Martinez (D-Rosemead) would require satisfactory completion of a one-semester course in the understanding of the culture of various races for high school graduation purposes. This bill was requested by students at Alhambra High School.



Floor Action

* Gubernatorial Appointment: Confirmed on a 37-0 vote, the governor’s appointment of former Sacramento County Supervisor Sandra Smoley as secretary of the state Health and Welfare Agency.

Bill Introductions

* Libraries: SB 1448 by Sen. David Roberti (D-Van Nuys) would permit public libraries to form assessment districts and charge fees to keep the facilities open to the public if the voters agree with such a move.

* Automobile Oil: SB 1450 by Sen. Teresa Hughes (D-Inglewood) would make the dumping of used automobile oil in public streets by commercial lubrication businesses a misdemeanor calling for a $2,500 fine.

* Outside Attorneys: SB 1452 by Sen. Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco) would tighten restrictions on state agencies hiring outside attorneys instead of using the attorney general’s office for legal counsel.
