
VENTURA : Nonprofit Group Aids 500th Child

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Operation School Bell, a nonprofit organization serving needy schoolchildren for nearly a year, clothed its 500th child last week.

Gisela Lemos, a 5-year-old kindergartner, took home two outfits, a jacket, a pair of shoes, a box of underwear, three pairs of socks and a bag of toiletries. The new items were purchased with money raised by members of the Ventura-based group.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 25, 1994 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday February 25, 1994 Ventura West Edition Metro Part B Page 8 Column 4 Metro Desk 1 inches; 26 words Type of Material: Correction
Wrong group--An article Monday incorrectly identified an organization providing clothing for needy schoolchildren in Oxnard. The group is the Assistance League of Ventura County.

In addition to Gisela, 17 other children from three Oxnard elementary schools received clothing Wednesday.


“The program (also) raises the child’s self-esteem,” said Richard Duarte, an Oxnard Elementary School District administrator.

Students are referred to the program by teachers and school administrators. They come every Wednesday to Fremont Intermediate School, where hundreds of outfits are displayed. Children are allowed to try on as many items as they want.

Operation School Bell spends about $65 per child, said Barbara Houser, chairwoman. The organization holds fund-raisers and operates a thrift shop, Bargain Box in downtown Ventura, she said.
